Sunday, November 2, 2008

Down with the orange army......

For as long as i have had any political sense....i have been a supporter of the "infamous"SHIV SENA.....Kind of an eye raiser keeping in mind that i am a south-indian and Balasaheb's hate for the community is pretty well publicized. Never the less, I believed in his vision of maintaining Mumbai's culture. Now, i have been born and raised in this "Maximum City" and am no less a mumbaikar than the average maharashtrian living in it. I speak the language respect the culture and all that. All this is still not reason enought to support the sena. Then why did I?.....
The regional fanatics displayed by the sena kind of amused me. So mesmerized i was with Balasaheb's command over his troop of goons that i even had myself nick-named after him. So open was i with my support that i had to don the black hat in my family. My mom hated me for casting my vote for the party during the last elections. But i had no regrets till then. I thought it was cool to have a different view.
I write this post today to openly denounce my support to the party. I refuse to have any "orange" in my life. The whole party is no less than terror-inflicting dumb heads!!!!!!!! I denounce my aforementioned nick-name. I take back my cast vote(if i can)..I feel ashamed........i feel like a fool......i feel like i let my own city down......i feel its high time i change.....
Balya...i spit on your grave!!!!!!!!!!

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